Diagnosis Day: Not the best birthday gift — A 30 Minute Life

Robert Joyce
3 min readMay 6, 2021

Cold, the cold was attacking my right leg. It was if I had stepped into a deep freeze, and this normally active leg was freezing up. It’s movement slowed, making every step an effort. The muscles of my back were screaming in pain. I could not understand why my back was sore, when it was my leg which had the problem.

Four months earlier I had felt my first symptoms. Numb heels at fort and this disappeared. It happened again, but this time the numbness travelled firth up my leg. The feel was like I was walking using sticks, not feet. Then this faded away. Another week and it started again, travelling up my body as far as my chest. Of course, I went to the doctor and was referred to the hospital. A full week of tests and recovery. That was in late November, 1991.

It was my birthday, January 23, 1992 and it was the day of my appointment with a neurologist who had conducted all those test. January in London is cold. The cold was not my friend, it was stealing my ability to walk and I hoped the doctor would give me some idea what was wrong. The journey on the Tube warmed me up and I was able to walk, properly, into the hospital.

The discussion was brief, to the point. He said I have Multiple Sclerosis. The fMRI helped the diagnosis, showing white marks on my spinal cord, in the neck area. The…



Robert Joyce

Having lived with chronic illness for more than a quarter of a century I am now sharing my experiences. I post on www.a30minutelife.com, Facebook and Twitter